Master of Science Program

Mechanical Engineering

University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy

Applications for 2024-2025 academic are now open!

Deadline to apply is 31st of May 7th of June 2024

 Program Overview

The Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio aims to prepare a mechanical engineer characterized by strong design skills, by the use of the most recent innovations in mechanical design methodologies, materials choice and optimization, new technologies, and modern and advanced production facilities, focusing on automation and optimization aspects of processes, energy management and environmental preservation. The degree is intended to train highly professional and competent technicians, able to work in both the productive field and Research & Development.

The program is aimed at talented students possessing a Bachelor's Degree (or a first-cycle degree equivalent to the Italian Laurea) in Mechanical Engineering or Industrial Engineering. 

The MSc in Mechanical Engineering has a workload of 120 ECTS credits. The first three semesters contain both core courses (mandatory for all students) that lay the foundation for the remainder of the program, and elective courses that can be selected according to the student’s preference. The last semester is dedicated to an internship experience and to the thesis. The final exam consists of the public defence of the thesis; the thesis is a carefully-argued scholarly paper, written under the guidance of an advisor, which gives students the opportunity to demonstrate their expertise in the chosen research area.

More information about the MSc in Mechanical Engineering is available at the following link: